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royal military college of canada中文是什么意思

用"royal military college of canada"造句"royal military college of canada"怎么读"royal military college of canada" in a sentence


  • 加拿大皇家军事学院
  • 加拿大皇家陆军学院


  • Royal military college of canada
  • He was an engineer with nortel networks , and then a professor in the royal military college of canada , and was head of the department of electrical and computer engineering from 1994 - 2000
    陈教授曾于nortelnetworks任职工程师,其后任教于royalmilitarycollegeofcanada ,在一九九四至二零零零年期间出任该校电机及计算机工程学系系主任。
用"royal military college of canada"造句  
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